Currently I'm working on another hand towel from Mason*Dixon Knitting. This is for my Grandma K. It's coming out nicely - but I'm quite ready to be done with it. I would like to have a little extra time to make something for my Secret Santa exchange at work.
Other events:
Brian and I picked up our free Christmas tree this weekends, all thanks to Woodland Realty (now Coldwell Banker).
Picking a tree out of a lot is not quite as fantastic as cutting it down yourself. We went with a blue spruce. Brian hates the sharpness of the needles, but I don't think the firs and pines are strong enough to hold our ornaments. I thoroughly enjoyed the petting zoo. It all but made up for the trees. Fortunately my fingers are all still intact.
I'm trying to work up the guts to go to my local yarn store today and get help on the elf slippers I'm working on. I wish I had Linda to help me instead!
Tonight we're going to the Lighting Parade downtown. Expect more pics soon.