A belated birthday present from Linda (aka Yoda) - sock yarn!! Thank you so much! Linda is so great because she knows what only a knitter knows...buy a knitter yarn and you will never go wrong. She says she got it at a yarn "sale." I think she may be stretching the truth so I don't feel bad. I guess I'll never know.
Now the dilemma... Knit one of these up, or start my kool aid yarn. What do you all think?
Also, I have to say I'm very amused that now that I have my own blog, I'm posting and Brian is in the kitchen making dinner. It's fun having reverse roles. Later we go to ballroom dancing lessons. I've got it made!
Hey Ang!
Did you see that grandma B is knitting again? We were just over there and she has some projects going. Wish she could see this blog!
Yeah, she showed us a scarf she was making for McKenna. I offered to return her needles to her but she said they have a whole stash of stuff to take from at the living center
Tulip Fest starts next weekend so I haven't been in the mode yet. I promise, I'll get some pics!
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