Well, I picked up a new modem this morning, and through the grace of God, I somehow hooked it up and did the installation correctly. It's funny because Brian so casually tells me, "oh just call Comcast and have them help you figure it out." It's like me telling him to call Singer for a broken sewing machine. I don't get the technicalities of the computer - internet hook up.
I can officially tell you that I am SICK of the snow. Yesterday was a disaster. We had three out of seven staff call in - frozen pipes, sick kids, and broken down cars. Our medical assistant then went home at noon on strict orders of the boss because she was quite ill with morning sickness (the kind that doesn't just last the morning). So, Tim (the doc) and I flew by the seat of our pants with our one receptionist doing her best to do phone triage and pull charts. We brought back patients, saw them, did our own phone triage and callbacks. I'm sure many of the patients were quite shocked when they actually heard us on the phones. After work, I headed to the gym and started towards home to get dinner going. The roads seemed fine - just snowy. I was approaching an intersection and could not have been going more than 20 mph because I would soon need to brake for the turn. All of the sudden, my car started fish-tailing for no good reason. I swung too and fro and then ended up nose deep in a bank of snow. I probably over corrected the steering. I know you should steer into the fish tail, but it was all happening so fast. The snow was so deep that I couldn't even open my door. Luckily, one man stopped to see if I was alright. Within less than five minutes, he, another gentleman, and an SUV full of high schoolers stopped to push me out. I was grateful for nice Hollanders, grateful this didn't happen on a deserted road, and grateful there were no cars around when I swirled around the intersection. I slowly drove home to find a heap of snow, created by the plow truck, blocking the driveway. What a mess.
Our snowed in weekend was a nice relaxing treat.
Brian spent a fair amount of the time snowblowing, while I laughed from the window (as any loving wife would) as he literally got douched while it blew right back on him.
We tried to get a pleasant wintery picture for next years Christmas card. The blizzard of '07 would not cooperate. Brian actually ran up to the channel to take this photo. In the few minutes that he was out of the car, the wind picked up so much that he, the lighthouse, and the lake all disappeared from my view. Again, I couldn't help but laugh. Sorry Bri.
I had plenty of time to knit on the flower basket shawl. It's coming along splendidly. I'm going to end up with extra yarn because I was afraid to run out by doing another repeat. It should be a fine size once blocked, though, as it is several repeats larger than the pattern called for.
Squishy even took an interest in my knitting. I think he likes the color.
The good news is today I am home. I do have to drive to Grand Rapids later for one of my Junior League after school programs, but I think the roads are better today. If not, it always makes for more story telling.