The lace was a fun project, challenging and beautiful. This was also the first time I used silk yarn.
You all saw several of my progress pictures. When I finally completed it and took it off the needles, I was left with a crumply heap of yarn.
I ordered a new set of blocking wires and wool wash from and went to work. Each point needed to be blocked. I also had to measure each side to check for symmetry. It took up most of the bed when it was all stretched out.
I finally understood why it was called a "flower basket" shawl when I noticed this shape.
I love the simple elegance of it. It is as light as a feather, so it just lies over your shoulders like a breath of air. I'm sure it would look great with a casual white top or a formal gown.
My family met in Lansing on Sunday to have a belated birthday lunch. My mom seemed to like the shawl and has plans already to wear it to a nice dinner with my father's co-workers. I hope to see pictures of the shawl in action!
Happy Birthday Mom!
I'm really surprised you gave it up after all of that work, and it looks so nice on you. But you know where it is whenever you need to borrow it. I can't wait to show it off at the annual dinner-dance. I promise not to wash it myself and mess up all the points.
If only I had your talents Tola. The scarf was beautiful.
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