(photo courtesy of Patty Ann)
Many of my t.v. shows are coming to the season's end, which is definitely a good thing. I have to say, I'm disappointed with most of the season finales. Anyone feel free to add your likes or dislikes:
1) Grey's Anatomy - Yes it was a nice twist for Christina to be sobbing, only to find out she's thrilled she's not getting married. But, why does it always have to be minutes before the ceremony? I'm quite sure in real life there are not as many weddings called off last minute as on t.v. I can think of three instantly, The Wedding Singer, Sweet Home Alabama, and Grey's. Who else?
2) Desperate Housewives - Okay, so at least Gabrielle went through with her wedding. If Bree were my friend, I'd definitely call her out on this fake pregnancy. I mean, how long was she gone on this honeymoon? She's so big, that baby would have to be way back from her AA sponsor days. I'm sure it was all meant for dramatic effect. Besides that, what would she do when I reach to feel the baby kick? I hope things go well for Mike and Susan. There needs to be another functional relationship now that Tom and Lynnette are in the dumps.
3) How I Met Your Mother - Too funny. "Tell me what? Tell me what?" If you guys aren't watching this show, you really ought to be. Linda introduced us to it, saying Neil Patrick Harris' character reminded her of Brian. I can't tell you how many one-liners Brian has now stolen from this show.
4) The Office - I really loved it. They could probably make the cliff hanger about Pam and Jim every season and I'd always be on the end of my seat. The highlights included Creed's blog, Andy's interview with Dwight, and Jim's new nickname - "Big Haircut," and Pam being named "Secret Assistant to the Regional Manager." "Jim taught me that when Dwight asks you to do anything in secret, you always respond - Absolutely, I will."
Dwight's blog currently has a funny post about ninjas. BTW, I was doing some research and found out that Oscar, Angela, Phyllis and Creed all go by their real names.
5) I know Dancing with the Stars is not over yet, but just about. I thought the dances were very good for the finale, with the exception of Laila's freestyle. Joey is spot on with all of his gymnastics. I'd like to be flipped and thrown about like that, but I'm sure both partners have to be extremely strong to pull off those stunts. Who votes that Apollo and Juliann are a couple? Patty Ann, I know your vote. At the beginning line-up, he gave her a very loving look. I think they'd be an adorable couple, really.
I'm more interested in the Izzy relationship on Greys.
You didn't mention E.R. and Ray's leiutenant Dan legs! That made me leap out of my seat.
Much is said on the DWTS message boards about the songs being the wrong tempo. I personally think they're matching the lyrics to the couple. "L.A. proved to be too much for the man.....I'd rather live in his world than live without him in mine".....seems to fit Apolo and Julianne. Also Laila recently danced to Bad Bad Leroy Brown..."meaner than a junkyard dog" fits her as well. She never claps for the other couples.
If anyone watched the Bachelor, did you just adore his grandpa?
GO RED WINGS! We need this game!
UM, don't you mean how many one-liners HIMYM has stolen from ME?
That's what I thought you meant. Because I have been this awesome for a near-infinite amount of time. And I'll keep being such for-ev-VER!
RealTrueFact #2486.
i agree with you on all of those, although i let watching how i met your mother slip because of dancing with the stars. i need to catch up on that.
i voted for joey last night. i just love him. as for apolo and his partner, i agree. and did you notice mario and his partner in the audience last night? i think i read they moved in together. i guess when you spend that intense of time with people it is bound to happen!
Did you see this?
I can't tell you how many one-liners Brian has now stolen from this show.
I know - Carrie and I made sure we didn't miss any of the "wedding" episodes, just so we'll understand all of Brian's jokes this weekend.
That grandpa on the Bachelor was so great.Made me wonder what he'd done for a living. Apollo and Juliann? They HAVE to be a couple.He,at least,is smitten. I think George from Grey's should come over to Family Medicine. We'll work with him. I thought Robin and Ted were such a cute couple from HIMYM. Do you think she might end up with Barney? What do you think Mr Awsome? Linda
OMG I was hoping they'd put a CreedThoughts up. Shame they had to introduce it in the finale.
Creed = most underrated character on The Office
More Creed!
So Ang, who do you like better, Apollo or Joey? I think they are both so talented, but something about Kim bugs me, so Apollo and Julieann get my vote(not that I voted, but if I did, it would be for them).
Now that all these shows have ended I will be able to fully focus on the awesome So You Think You Can Dance that premieres Thursday, May 24 at 8/7 central! I can't wait!
I'm embarassed to admit I was a devoted Bachelor watch this season...I know it's shameful. But he picked Tessa! Yipee!
I can't decide who I prefer on Dancing with the Stars. Apollo? Joey? Julianna is adorable. I think I like watching Apollo and Julianna because she is so cute. I think that's what keeps Adam interested as well (: In my semi-professional dancing opinion, Laila isn't in the same league as the other 2.
There's something about both Julianne and Kym that that I really, really like.
Oh I know, their mega-hottness.
I'm definitely glad both are in the finals. They make watching TV even more awesome.
Carrie - I'm proud of Apollo most - so my votes went to him.
Matt - you say "wedding" like it's pretend. Are you telling me that these aren't real people and they didn't really get married?! I think you should wear one of those hats Saturday.
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