Dec 20, 2008

Life has been busy this week with some sort of meeting or Christmas gathering each night. I was hoping all of the activity may bring an early baby, but instead it's just brought fatigue and cankles. That's right - I now have cankles. It's not a pretty picture. I'm also more emotional. I cried at my OB visit this week and again on the way to work today when I heard a Christmas song called "A Baby Changes Everything." My friend Julie was right when she suggested I may relate a bit with Mother Mary this Christmas.
I hope you all have finished your shopping and can stay relaxed and warm indoors this weekend. I heard another 12" of snow may be on its way tonight for us lakeshore folk.


patty said...

All I can say Ang from my own experience, you are getting very close! I cried EVERY day before Jeffrey was born! WE may just get our much desired Christmas baby yet!!??

Chris said...

Okay, what are cankles? Hang in there and get all the sleep you can now...and we better not be in PA when you have this baby!!! Just joking! Just be safe and enjoy it.

Jacqueline said...

Ha! I just cried when hearing that song last week!

Kim Davis said...

That song has made me cry--when I wasn't even pregnant! Your lucky sister to not know what cankles are--Chris, it's when your calf and your ankle are all swollen together in one pretty mess. Ang, my friend at work had the worst cankles and wore support hose (a blast from yourpast in the nursing home). They helped her a lot--the last few weeks of her pregnancy she wore them and a big wide pair of tennis shoes. Hope yours aren't that bad!! Put your feet up!