Sep 23, 2008

Today I started my third trimester. I find that very hard to believe, because although I do feel like I've been pregnant for a while, I also can't believe that I'm approaching the end. I'm still waiting to experience so many of the things that people say pregnancy is all about, late night cravings and mood swings....strangers holding the door open for you and tiny baby kicks to the bladder. I suppose these things may come over the next three months.
Now it's time for Brian and I to begin the final preparations. We've signed up for all of the classes the local hospital offers and I'll be joining a water aerobics class in hopes that the extra conditioning will ease labor. The shower dates are on the calendar and the short term disability paperwork is complete. I'm looking forward to it all.


Patty Ann said...

Hahaha you didn't indulge with desserts in NYC? You're not moody??? Just kidding. We have had 3 healthy pregnant ladies swim with our deep water aerobics class at the Y. They did very well. I hope you enjoy the birth preparation classes and parenting classes!

Anonymous said...

I took water aerobics from a pregnant instructor, Barb, that Brian knew while helping with swim lessons. That baby is now 15 years old! She did a great class and I always left hungry!

I have to skip a few this week due to cold/asthma, and it's driving me crazy to not feel like I'm doing something positive for my body! You will LOVE the water!

Carrie said...

Wow! I can't believe that you are in your third trimester already! Time has flown by. You look so cute in all your NYC pictures!

Jacqueline said...

I am in the home stretch and still have not experienced cravings, kicks to the bladder, my belly button "popping," or stretch marks...I am trying not to speak too soon! You may not experience those things. They say every pregnancy is maybe baby #2 will bring those things =)